Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
awesome cheesy
extra gooey
I'm fine, Cas. BTW, the Nissin guy's name was Momofuko Ando. He died in 2007.
Kenzaburo Oe
but that guy still lives...
Nobel Prize
which guy? you're gonna confuse us again, dr H? And yes, Oe still lives....
Nobel laureate
I would say you try to become confused by all means. Of course I meant Oe, or who else?
I thought you meant the oodle noodle guy......besides, you start to write even just the first oword and it's already confusing....
the first oword? Now you start to confuse me...
o as in oh (you start all your sentences and phrases with this, right?) so I call it the oword.....and like I said, it's so self-evident yet you want to make an issue out of it just to confuse us more.......