Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
see you're the hooligan, or fan or whatever, I've no idea how the soccer crooks played today
and happy endings or not have nothing to do with doom and gloom...
It's hard not notice cos it's in the news and on tv and internet...the neighborhood gossip was having a fun time....darn that Sid the kid Crosby......
and oops, my mistake....the doomy and gloomy of course demands only happy endings...
I've to go now .....enjoy the rest of your Saturday night, my darling... dr D and G...read Disney stories for a change....
oh you mean all the people there are highly committed ice hockey fans aka hooligans?
good night then darling hooligan with gloomy and doomy side effects
and to you too, have a great Sunday then.....perhaps you'd like to enroll in our human expts using very special placebos..our insurance covers treatment of all side effects......sleep tight, Spidey and sweetie...
hi folks
hi guys...
hey guys...and a glorious Sunday to all ....hi Divs....still enjoying the sexy weather ? I'm tired now and it's not even lunch time yet...
Hi Casu-ji......"sexy" weather??? that terminology was by Prep..........so u ask him about that....
but weather is as usual hot now, so.....
Happy Sunday then...
hey Divs...so you're still here....I'd have thought more- hot and fried weather- like french fries ...but sexy is still good...