Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey PI....did you mean only the first line appears and you can't see the entire post...hmm.....I think it's only yours...here it's the same as always....
and I also hope your boss doesn't come too then you can relax more.......
tat s not fair.. i too want the same old look!!!!
yeah u too enjoooy!!!
perhaps you can ask your IT people or Bioforum, the great Panda himself to bring back the old look....I also wonder when he will change this baby blue colour scheme......we want new skin....we want new skin...the drunken logo can stay though
John F
blue??!!! only the logo background score and the other tabs are blue here or else its light green!!!
yeah the old look!!! with new colors!!!
yup, this sky blue background and tab are too blinding sometimes....green? you meant on the original protocol online page......that one's too green too...
yes papa
in all i can see that it looks different in different regions as well!!!!
but this is different than the old one!!!
and how come u stil here!!!!!
Papa don't preach
Hmmm....I probably have the old cache....and perhaps Bioforum already decided to change stuff around- great......
and either I got an attack of insomnia or I just came back home........and now, my royal sleeping time....don't work too hard PI.... it's Saturday after all....and say hello to Mats for me...when is she gonna join our bachelorette party?
mamma does!!!
yeah good night!!!!
Well, that's all right, Mama
dalai lama
hey nabi-san./.
how are you??