Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
I know all such things ...I just want to live dangerously.....
sure, but the best evidence that you know nothing is, that if you'd know all, CIA/KGB/MI5/CSIS or any other intelligence service would have already captured you and you'd sit in your cell and forecasting...
and how did you know about CSIS? that's classified info......and those intel agencies will never put me in a cell cos I'm too slippery....
well wikipedia knows more than you about that... and slippery because of your excuses, eh?
nope, bec I usually get an avocado oil body massage.....I shld probably volunteer my services to them so I might get inside info in return...
sometimes a shower might help...or even necessary... and if you offer your services you'll end staring at goats....
then I will waste all its therapeutic effects....so no thanks...the shower can wait......
and I don't like goats..they smell worse than the avocado oil...but I guess a bit of roasting won't be so bad...
you can roast the goat when you managed to kill it with your glance....
maple nut
well, if I can kill it by making it fall on bed of samurai swords, then it's realy worth to roast it....
and now it's time to enjoy the rest of my cold Friday...you have a good night's rest my darling goat-staring accomplice old dude...have a great Saturday...
with maple syrup
try to throw it...that's the faster way...
good night darling, the paranormal RH...enjoy your evening without encounters of the Third Kind