Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
well google has 3 mio hits (I tried to find a translation for a german proverb)...have a look
and being weed-like is also a trait
oh that 'apace'...I know it but never use it....it's just that ace is another slang for marijuana so I thought that you were inventing another word......and weedlike is not my trait...
well knowing such words is telling enough...for me "ace" completely new
and therefore weed-using is a trait of you?
uncle Ben
hello people! how's it going?
's parboiled
Hi TJ...everything fine here...and you? celebrated a lot?
hey tj..taking a break or still with hang-over? Hope you had a really good one yesterday hombre......
@dr H..you seem to forget that I know everything....Google should feel insecure now......
so you, Mlle C are just a spybot from a competing company? hopefully your circuitry is not melting here too early
oh..I'm too human.......in fact I can whack you in the head with a hockey stick...
if your humanity consists mostly of hockey stick whacks, then you might be more a Klingon...
but I look much better than they do...
and now time to do some more work...whew...enjoy the rest of your Friday evening my darling Statlerish as always old dude...have a great weekend too...