Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hi folks...btw gt_ameya: I also thought quite a long time that you're a girl (only looked at the "a" in the name, but not at the profile)
@vetticus3, you do know that bishop and varmus won the nobelprize for their work on oncogenes?
yup... from a work done in 1976 (?)... they each have reviews independent of each other... just not one together (that i can find). i think i found what i was looking for, it's a book chapter, and not in pub med (!)
kinda weird you need to read a review and they dont tell you which one
You spend more time looking for it then reading it
I cant even imagine how you even start looking for it.. If you have to check everything they wrote... And like you said: not everything is in pubmed.. book chapters etc.. not always easy to find.
the (very boring) story is... i wrote a bit, sent it off to be checked, and was told that i referenced the wrong paper (surprisingly, a review titled "oncogenes" writtein 1984). I had the note, reference the bishop and vamus review. ok. and you can figure out the rest.
hey guys....good that you found the book chapter, V...hi dr H...hello pito...nice to see you here...are you doing more of your anti-labcoat propaganda? ...work sucks...people....
Hi folks and hi Mlle C, or anti-book-chapter propaganda?
all propaganda is good.
well, it's election time here so propaganda abounds.......
and my favourite quote from now on:
"We don't need more jails!!!! All the crooks are now in the senate." from Layton, leader of the NDP from last night's leaders' debate....
Canadian politics seem special