Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Did not understand.
Good morning. A good news was waiting for me in the mail box . . . Have to start making another travel plan again and that immediately. . . but before that I have a meeting with boss in 1h45mins.
don't want to know
Good morning, Minna- san genki desu ka?
Good grief Nabi san, you sure start work early!
Where will your travel plan be this time?
I survived my practice run through yesterday, even though the laptop and projector died half way through my presentation.
good morning.
Yeah, left early yesterday night and woke up really early today . . went around the city and came to dept. Going to Texas in early October for just 2 days . . not planing anything there except benkyou benkyou . . sure am lucky to get this opportunity. . have to get max out of it now
Good luck to me. Then have to prepare real hard for gakkai in Tokyo in mid sept and one in italy in mid Oct . . have to make sure my laptop and the projector survive all this
Don't work too hard- no Karoshi please!
You can eat the Texan steaks maybe.
ohayo minna-san....omedato, BB and definitely no karoshi....inemuri is still ok as long as you and Lost-san don't do it during the presentation and don't forget to bring back a cowboy hat.....
Thank U, Thank U. . for now am going downtown for an icecream. . Do U have Marvelous Cream at Hokkaido, LiL?
Marvellous cream? I don't know. Doesn't sound familiar. I had lunch at our shokudo, if I eat there again soon I will go insane, the menu hasn't changed at all.but its wet n' windy today.
I'd forgotten about the cowboy hats! a perfect omiyage
A 10 gallon one for Casandra sama?
they are quite popular here. I had to go downtown for something; so took the liberty. Haven't had lunch yet but may be too late for Shokudo. Will go out for curry/nan rice or something if I have a company else hunt for cup noodle inside my locker. casandra will kill U with a hockey stick if U say that . . . her head is of perfect shape and size . . no hydrocephalus
hi guys, next time, can you please use metric units...I had great difficulty converting 10 gallons ...it's perrfect size for ice cream but not for a head, esp one as perrfectly-sized and moulded as mine...
...and here, it's now 8 degrees- perrfect day for an ice cream...
looks too sweet and I cannot read it....but anyway icecream is a good idea, here it's over 27 degrees again...