Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
of love
(a Lou Reed song)
good night OR a-bit-depressed-H...time to cheer your dudes up...Being there (at Olympics) is what matters!
and hate
good morning, guys.
hate leads to suffering
Morning Nabi san- how goes life?
suffering leads to acceptance
good morning, LiL-san. I am doing fine. Just started another boring, long day. I have yet to look at my horoscope to see what to expect. I know, the end of the day is too far today (there's a long meeting in the evening )
And, what do U have?
resigned to the fact
PCR (cue song) and IMF and the beloved manu as usual, and trying to stay awake and not slip and break my leg or smash my head on the ice...
U should try skeleton from Univ to home if there is enough ice.
ohayoo minna-san.....howz everyone? hey Lost-san, BB-san......are we into skeletoning now?
Morning YRH- recovered from yesterdays dissapointments?
I would skeleton- certainly no shortage of ice at the moment, but its not steep enough- I'm in a flat part of town, plus the ojisans on their bikes (yes they can cycle on ice apparently) would mow me down!
we can have that in next Olympics. Ice Cycling. . or is it there already?
Good morning, Casandra.
I haven't seen it yet- but we could but ojisans and students head to head on their mamacharis and see what happens- I would watch that