Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Hi Mlle C...I see it vice versa I'm not that britpop fan
yup, I knew you like that video that's why you posted it...such weird taste.... and the song is not phenomenal but still ok...howz the weekend preparations?
taste we better not discuss and the wine bottle is open, or what did you mean?
oh yeah..and then amnesia and hangover tomorrow...while some of us are still trying to save the world on a Friday...
to save your experiments is not saving the world Mlle C... btw the world is anyway doomed
ok...saving my world (which is the only world that matters anyhow) ..and it's not doomed....a little chaotic but not doomed...and I can't say the same for the eurocup semis losers...
how egocentric and the sf losers are just too half-assed
but the world is doomed anyway ...
ppfftt..as if anybody else would care about MY world so it has to be me only.....anyways, too bad for losing the semis to the Italians.........I read earlier that Germany has never won against Italy in a major soccer match....losers
I guess surprisingly lot of people and yes I also was surprised as I heard it a few days ago...anyway as long as we don't meet them we still can win any championship (we have more wins of the European championship and only one less in the world championship
anyway it's just soccer, so who cares?
including you and Spidey of course? waiting for it to collapse? .and I completely agree, it's not hockey so who cares (except perhaps your chancellor)!
and soon it's time for more sucky work...enjoy the rest of your Friday night my darling soccer loser old dude...