Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
but that is self-contradictory, dear Nabi............u said that u r no one and not someone....
and how can u be nowhere???? I am nowhere, u hv to be somewhere else (probably everywhere)....
so the statement is also not perfect. There is exception everywhere
see what everyone says about me : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRv34Cat3Vw...player_embedded
i guess i will have to wait to see what "everyone" thinks of you.................its taking long time to buffer....
n Beatles are everyone for u????
fresh vegetables
this forum is getting very filosophical :D
milk tea
yeah, Beatles is like a religion for me. I have been brain washed completely by them.
black tea
oh! a perfect person needs someone else to tell him, what he is............
yeah Inx, there r lot of philosophical folks around this place ( remember PhD= doctorate in philosophy).............n ain't it time that u introduce urself also in "not-so-philosophical" terms?????
green tea
perfection comes from listening. Try it!
Inx, do U speak any other language than German?
green with envy
nope, i dont hv to try that.............i hv already reached that state..............
go green
I had understood that long time back.
and how long does your "long time back" go???