Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
the muppets of course!
the exorcist
The omen
Brilliant! now I really can't wait for the movie!
the ring
the muppets will be awesome!
The Avengers
hi people, hopefully it's as good as it was before and not an improvement for the worse (as usually)
comic strip
hey hobs, wie gehts? did you see on the news that people in the us wanted to ban the muppets film because it has communist similarities? maybe it was just for advertising as well...
Comic Sans
hi TJ, everything okay here...and I read it once and I think the conservatives are capable of doing this....
sans serif
does that make it at least a little bit more appealing to you?
times new roman
well, perhaps I'll download it...but Jim Henson is dead IIRC, that's a warning sign... did at least Statler and Waldorf survive?
old roman empire
you better hurry then, before they close every other website similar to m.upload ...
Statler and Waldorf are present indeed!