Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
As for autoclaving critters, I'm just saying I'm not sure that cooking in an autoclave would be very tasty. Remember school cafeteria lunches? Besides, I know what I normally put in my autoclave. :barf:
Sounds good to me casandra. First line:
Barber: Hello sir. How may I help you?
ball mace
hey lab rat....o-genki desu ka?
Customer : Shave my head for now. Can I book an appointment for an appendectomy?
the first installment of the new Monty python skit? ....
the following is rated SR (Slightly Risque) ; stuff your kids ears with cotton plugs:
Barber: might as well shave everything now in prep for the appendectomy...LOL...how about a zigzag design? ...
barber: and then paint it with iodine solution....
phantom of the opera
then the design won't be obvious....
Andrew Lloyd Webber serials
but you need to disinfect it...
but the barber's tools are autoclaved...
together with the beaver...
"the following is rated SR (Slightly Risque)"
In our lab, we have a running joke about "the log flume into the gutter"...there's no segue. The conversation starts out normal, blahblahblah, then WHOOSH--we're wallowing in the gutter.
genki desu, arigato casandra-san. ogenki desu ka?