Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
what a lousy day today . . just like any other day.
Anything interesting happening there, LiL?
Not much going on up here- I'm sneakily watching Muppets christmas carol on you tube, and fiddling with my department conference talk.
hi guys
Hi folks...
hey hobs, how you doing? would you by any chance know how to embed a 3d structure of a protein from jmol into a presentation? whether powerpoint or openoffice?
Hi tj...if it's a java applet you can insert it in impress with a command and just have to tell what class-file to use...but just a guess...I'm not a java expert...
crack shot
hey guys....hi dr H, tj....I had to dig my way out of my igloo....my gosh....all the snow imaginable came down on us.....
gun nut
Hi Mlle C, seems as if Canada is the perfect snow battle ground...
oh yeah....then we've got the homecourt advantage.......no snow over there dr H?
Charlton Heston
only annoying frozen slush...but tomorrow there should be lots of new snow...