Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Wizard of Odds
and not to forget the new Cadillac and BMW models presented soon and I guess the new Hollywood blockbusters are more important
btw do you already have your new car?
odds and ends
yup, it's a nice SUV with heated seats and a talking dashboard......we shld really fight for equal rights....
Ode to Joy
a comfortable and safe car to drive to anti-capitalism demonstrations, eh?
Joy to the World
of course...one always has to do it in style....so we also have to wear designer clothes and drink specialty coffee from Starbucks during the breaks.....aren't we demonstrating for equal rights and comfort?
well to show my protest against capitalism first I would torch SUVs and Starbucks stores...so take care
ever the anarchist......it shld be a peaceful protest (in style and with lots of comfort)...that's why I'm bringing my buttler to carry my placard..
joy division
who's the cynic now? you and the others of your upper class watch the demonstrations of the poor people from the VIP lounge....until people raid and torch it too...and the butler is member of a Fight Club...so take care
narc division
well, I'm still the lead cheerleader...I can do this from anywhere- the VIP lounge is good enough besides, it's too cold and windy down where the poor people are ......and members of Fight Club are disqualified from buttler duties so I'm not worried...otoh, you better worry about your fire obsession...
I guess they have enough speakers and self-important persons... and I'm not fire obsessed, I just lend harmless looking butlers lighters and sometimes Molotov cocktails
sure, sure...the harmless looking molotov cocktails.....and perhaps I need to cheer from a giant float...decorated with gems and gold...what an inspiration that would be......