Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey guys...I vote for all pagans day.....and the horseback pubcrawling (huh?).... enjoy your Friday night out, tj...Lost-san...
hi dr H...napping? ...
finally a holiday where Christians have to work...
Hi Mlle C, still working?
ppfftt...and the merry band of pagans enjoy all the Christian holidays.......and I'm still deciding what to eat for lunch, dr H......
of course I'd like to work on christian holidays, but unfortunately it's not allowed
oh yeah...sure, they boobytrap all the doors just to make sure that you won't be coming in to work....
yes, finally you got it...darn trade unions
Pax Humana
yup, blame it on the trade unions.....you shld have a movement of "No More Holidays!!!"
Pax Romana
well I just did not mention churches, because of political correctness
roman holiday
ppfftttt...just leave the church out of this.....you're enjoying the windfall anyways...
Roman snail
no of course not, I'm not an opportunist.