Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Hi, LiL. Why is everyone away? Still in holiday mood?
Nabi on Sep 28 2009, 10:18 AM said:
Hi, LiL. Why is everyone away? Still in holiday mood?
Hi Nabi san...well 2 more have turned up, but it was busier during last weeks holiday- I have no idea where everyone else is...kidnapped by bears?

hey guys...ohayo gozaimasu...Lost-san...do you need a pep talk for your Monday?
Ohio.. . they must have gone for icecream without you, LiL.
thai food
Cassandra san...onegaishimasu
Nabi san.... I hope not!
coconut icecream.
mango kulfi
strawberry coulis
hey Lost-san.....I think that now I'm the one who needs a pep talk for another Fight Club showdown.......why can't I just leave the grumpy old men to their grump...this is not good for health and beauty...I think I have a pint of Häagen-Dazs to devour right now...maple nut flavour......that shld entertain you...
Mixed berry smoothie...
.. actually it was more sorbet than smoothie because I didn't bother thawing the berries... must be Monday.
Shiro Kuma
I have to go out find something now .. have not yet thought what should I have for lunch . . rest of the lab ate okonomiyaki but am not feeling like today.