Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
artistic unity
the dim and grim lot........Kenzaburo Oe, another one.... perhaps García Márquez has a lighter treatment tho still realistic but also stuck on solitudes...and Vargas Llosa was passed over again....could be that european bias?
artistic license
but "serious" literature is mostly more gloomy and thoughtful...it's in the nature of things.
pathos, suffering, despair.....yup, those are the nature of things.......c'mon dr H...it's a beautiful fall day with a nip in the air.....
lab bench
...I guess it has a reason why corny authors like R. Pilcher, Danielle Steel, and similar authors never get a Nobel prize...for them the RITA Award exists
bench fee
...but even I can tell the difference....
bench mark
I hope so
land mark
....but who wants to be depressed anyways...
birth mark
you should read Hesse, he's funny and imaginative...at least some of his texts, didn't read all
birth stone
I've read Siddharta and Steppenwolf....am not so sure about the funny but at least the imaginative part (he was probably high when he wrote it) , yup...I agree...
birth control
you should read the fairy tales, they are really funny and you think sometimes it's from the 60s -hippie-like, Siddharta I never read, Steppenwolf and beneath the wheel are really more the grim and serious part...