Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
what one?
south east
ohio guys.
North by northwest
G'morning Nabi san, hows you?
I am doing fine till now but today is a long day - started really early and will finish only tomorrow and I have no motivation to do anything at all.
And how is U?
I'm fine, also in early, I'm eating breakfast waiting for the 2nd antibody incubation to finish, then I"m showing a visiting prof around town and feeding him before he gives a lecture and what not, plus practicing my edited talk (hopefully now the right lenght of time) and everything else.
I wish I was still in bed....
What a coincidence. I am also doing exactly the same thing. I am doing staining for a senior and I find it still so hard to understand what they really want. Their attempt to be super-nice and super-humble adds more trouble to simple work.
That sucks for you! how come they don't do it themselves? fortunately my IMF is about the most simple one I've done for a while, mostly because time is limited and cells didn't grow
they do it themselves all the time but he cannot do this staining so asked me for this. I am one of the authors of the paper so I do some part of it. But, he simply does not say 'please, do it'. That would have been so simple. I get too many 'sumimasen' in between every step and he tried being their for every step. For that reason, I cannot do it in my own time as I am not sure if I should wait for him for the next step or just move in my own pace. If I move in my own pace then I will get few more thousands of suimasen but I already had my breakfast.
Ahhh I see, I can see why the sumimasens are annoying though...
not sure if U have been in such circumstances but they feel so guilty for not able to be their and having to ask me to do it and that in turn makes me so guilty that because of me someone is feeling so guilty. Life would be so simple if they just learn to say 'please do it' or something equivalent to that. I dunno how to explain the situation I am in right now.