Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
who knows...and I'm not more lazy than you...
I already said I'm busier than a queen bee ....back to your favourite topic, dr H....
just droning...
Rorschach test
....and you, just bumming around.....btw, have you already fed Spidey....it's not as if you have to get your club and hunt for his food.....
sink psychology
there are enough careless students....
evolutionary psychology
oh, you've it a cannibal then.....tsk tsk tsk...you're so heartless as usual...
evolutionary ecology
well, it's a chick eating spider....
ecological footprint
omg...you feed it one which just hatched from its egg....what a bad spider...
giant's footsteps
yup, actually it lives from angstlust...getting it from the crying chicks that run away if they see the spider....
giant leap
"like the mass of men fleeing in shrieking desperation"....I think you're transmitting this angstlust to him...bad master....