Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
I am never biased...I only state irrevocable facts and undeniable truths....
but how about Greenland...then I would surely not have any withdrawals symptoms:
you start to believe your own biased view and delusions...wow
and if we can reach that place with a helicopter you can count me in....
Maple Leaf
and that's a truth that you have to accept no matter how hard it is...
and now time to enjoy my Saturday...you have a good night's rest my darling winter and ice-climbing wimpy old dude...sleep tight..
good night darling the napping and resting in a soaring manner RH...enjoy your lazy evening
yup, it was a very lazy evening....
hey guys...enjoy a lazier Sunday....
hey guys, as cas always says "let's work work work"
hi people, let's have a lazy and recreative Sunday...
hi hobs. how's it going? no cycling today?
hi TJ, no cycling today...the weather is too wet and I've other stuff to do...and you work or worked?
hey people...a glorious Sunday to all...it's cold but very bright and sunny here so woohoo....
hola tj...hi dr H...lounging like a lizard once again?