Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
happy meal
dude my office is 9 to 6 and its just 5:20 here!!!
i come at 8:30 and leave by 8:30 normally... but today i decided otherwise!!!
bone meal
Oh....thats another 40 minutes !! Its Saturday...get off early
btw, she just called me up saying that she just woke up !...was saying we can go at 2 ..thats another hour now...I got a glass of wine already..this sounds like testing my patience! I'm not very good at it
I believe if someone is offering a help, their convenience has the upper hand..when do they realize this?
Are u gone PI???
full meals
ya specially if the other party is a girl.. she l think she s doing some ehsaan on u by coming!!!!
But then tat is not only a girl trait... i ve seen tat in many people here too!!!
parcel meals
did u try the parcel meals in Hyd...Its good for 3-4 people!!
Thats what I too feel..I offered to do this 'coz I remember I how good I felt when a guy showed me the places to buy the stuff I needed, so I thought I should do the same to the next person feeling that way! My mistake I guess
Its not a girl trait, there are quite many people who do this..!! Its a pity they don't realize this
its how it feels
ok gg.. see ya.. enjoy the trip!!!!!
see ya on monday.. tomorrow full day no bioforum!!!
let me see if i can do it!!!
bye PI...have a nice weekend...cu on monday!
Hey u back???? howz that???
going in another 1/2 hr.
boss cald up wen i was abt 2 leave n wanted some abstract.....
I've to go in 15 min
Thats sad..lemme talk to him, he cannot do that!! Thats unfair !!