Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
sweaty foot
sure...are you a polar wimp? for me there are not enough insects and trees...
good night darling the tent experienced but not using RH...have a nice Sunday evening...
foot bath
nope,I was born on ice......and there are other living stuff over there...the toughest, hardiest ones...
...and a good night to you too, my darling arctic clime-inexperienced old dude...keep warm...
fish therapy
good morning, LiL.
fluorescent in situ hybridisation
hi bb san, about to go to sleep. have a productive day
hi lil, i know you'll be here soon
fluorescent probes
hey guys...good night tj, ohayoo BB-san...
Fluorescetn dye
Hey, TJ. What a surprise. How was your weekend?
Good night. See U on Monday.
Good morning, Cassandra.
the die is cast
morning folks- wow its busy in here! I'm here- so hello to TJ, YRH and Dr TDD. Did you have a good weekend?
watchful waiting
hi Lost-san, BB-san...the final days before X-mas.......weekend's extremely busy this time...how was yours?
excitement building
When do you finish in the lab or have you already finished? Right now I'm so grateful for cancelling my flights to the UK- I doubt I would make it
never ending
hi lil, cas, bb. weekend was good, too bad it's over. i think i should really go to sleep see you soon.