Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
fatty acid
casey G2H may be go to hell!!!
ya things going smooth till now....
today ahve to look for a home for staying!!! homeless right now!!!
my gosh, I shld've figured that out...it's one of my favourite expressions...so how do you say this in Hindi? I can practice it with googoo doc........and don't worry about finding your own shelter, you'll find one, if not there are always the parks.....or the police stations (but you have to break the law first....
bhaaad me jaa!!!!!
ya i was thiking abt the park too.. police station!!! well well.. u wanna see me on bioforum daily dont u??!!!
ok..that doesn't look hard and I guess you pronounce it as it's written- plain straightforward...of course we want to see your mug shot- so don't forget to pose and smile, eh? but you'll only get your 3 min of fame and a free board and lodging for a day or two.....but it still doesn't solve your problem........
ya right it dosnt permenantly solve my problem!!!
as faar as a mug shot it concerned.. i have one attached for u!!!
oh yeah, sure ....I wasn't born this morning...this mug is photoshopped....that hair and those eyeglasses can't be real....and the facial expression is soo contrived, a look pretending to be overly-brooding or even haughty and that smirk, hah, it rivals Mona Lisa's....a guy can't pull that off....did you put your sister up to pose for this? shame on you....
and now it's time for my royal beauty rest....need to leave you now PI...we can continue this again tomorrow...have a good rest of the hump-day...Div shld come back and keep you company...to bash you some more ...oyasuminasai...
and Lost-san....I was waiting for you but alas, the princess needs to sleep....I've already ordered a pea check and none were found so my bed is ready......hope your day is improving..I'll cheer you up some more in the morn, goodnight my "common" friends.....
ya good night.. its googled!!! u wasted so much of ur energy in analysing it!!!
Div.. ya right she s gonna be back with more G2H's
yeah, i m back wid more G2Hs for u.....
that pic looks like that of some oldie Bong actor....
why don't u mk ur office as home???
in my perviosu company it was like tat only.. and may be in a couple of months it will be the same here... i am saying to the owners tat i will come here only to sleep so please reduce the rent... hahahhaha
n i m back again.....Howz hump day going, PI?