Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
So DRN.. u from delhi itself?? which place.. i have sum relatives there.. for got the name of the area though
am back . . had a rough start so. . my phone broke down and had to go to get it repaired. . have been paying insurance for last 2.5 year just for today . . but the problem is I will lose all my data in there . . no, no . . not lab data but all the phone numbers and addresses and my beloved calendar. . how horrible can anything else be?
Then went for lunch. .
oh boy tats baad!!!
hope u have a better day ahead... may be u are being tested.. rememebr u said yesterday u gettin angry very easily.. ur patience is being tested... by whom??!! i dunno... anyways.. welcome back.. i was getting bored...
Yeah, could be. Whoever is testing will be disappointed at the end.
Any clues for the math problem yet?
steve jobs
no dude.. no replies as yet.. today me too busy to read.. a member joining the lab.. so have to orient him!!!
iv e been doing this for 3 years now.. orienting the new people.. welcoming them!!!
O. 3 years of orienting people? anything changed?
ya the fact that i m more senior now in this new organisation than i was in the older one where i worked... but secretly i do enjoy the oritentation process... and i slightly feel proud that i m thought of a better person to be doing that.. or may be i m the only person free
O. the last logic might be true
Hi, V. How are U?