Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
dude.. teres no us here.. its just we two!!!
movie no 1. the bone collector... suspense story of a serial killer who leaves clues to his next murder... i wud rate it a 5/10 angelina and denzil washington starrer
movie no 2. euro trip... keep yours brains aside and watch movies... had real fun... enjoyed each bit of it... this was like a refresher...
i would rate it a 7/10
movie no 3. taking of pelham 123.. travolta and washington again... a slow moving train hijak story... can see it once for the actors in it... will again rate it a 5/10
Wow. I will try watchin Europe Trip someday then . .
I have watched taking of pelham 123 or whatever it is called. . . U r too generous to give it 5/10.
ya i know.. its euro trip!!! so wat plans for tomorrowsssszzz??!!!!
today it might be phone booth and steal
like a knife.
no plans yet! tomorrow is too close to plan for. Am planing for next week right now
guess wat.. here it seems it s gonna rain in some time!!!
wow! that sounds fun.
ooops... not slept for moer than 30 hours now!!! i have to chill out if it rains.. so cant afford to sleep!!!
but it is nice sleeping listening to rain sound
No i don wanna get wet.. my idea of fun in the rains is.. friends... hot tea and bajji and chatni!!!!
so cant afford to sleeep!!!
try getting wet