Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
well casey how come you don know deamidation (removal of amide group) !!! i hope you were joking!!
going home!! no question... not atleast for a couple of hours more.. then the beer will taste heavenly!!!
black sheep
what happens when u get deamidated?? I dont know waht happen when u get de-amidize, I only know how u feel when 'de-alcoholize'd
big heap
finallly i finished teh document... hurrrrayyyyyy... now me leaving... will be bak tomorrow for more documents.. good night gg... have fun.. now the beer will taste goooddd!!!
bye casey... hob.. hope u ate your share only!!!
Div.. we kindaf missed u today.. i guess!! not sure!!!
bug sweep
hey PI, Have a gr8 evening..dont think of more work...sit back and enjoy ur drink:)
yeah...I don't think we miss Div and Nabi...nope..but do we?? maybe
two beat
once again, post and run.....carry on with your deamidation PI...we shld really have a bioforum new speak thread...and googoo doc, you do miss them, eh? but we're here...leaving now though...later then...
Just beat it
@ casey - whats it with u? are you practicing hit and run??
I was kinda free today, so could not do any chit chat during work hours
see u later
We got the Beat
LIL has the presentation I think. I had 2 assays to run (One worked, one didn't.) and a seminar to attend.
You get the boat
hi LaRa, how' u?? So you have one assay ready to be included in the talk and paper..or is it that u need both of 'em successfully done for it ?
you were on a T-65 countdown yesterday!
missed the boat
@GG. Hi! I think you have me confused with LIL. I'm not presenting anything, just finishing up some work before my funding runs out.
watching it fade away
Hi LaRa, Yeah, I was confused with the publication thing..It was LiL who was telling about the publications.. U were talking of 2 assays that u ran last day. I understand one worked and 1 didnt...I guess I got it right this time