Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hi folks, first week is almost over...very fast...
this week has been horrible... and i'm working tomorrow and sunday...this is a bad sign for the year.
atp synthase
snowing again... this week wasn't too bad, actually started this year quite optimistically!
hello guys! Happy new year! I am back in the lab, trying to survive my post-holidays depression... I hope everybody had a great time!
hey loquillo, what's up tio? this year seems to progress accordingly
Hi LQ...long time ago and hope you're refreshed and had great holidays...
hey guys...hi dr H...so Sir LyQ's back and in need of therapy.....welcome back tio...howz your lazy Friday, btw?
Hi Mlle C, I don't remember how long his holidays were..and the day was nice except the weather...
For your consideration
Ey guys, my holidays were great, but now I dont remember anything about my projects... I need some adaptation time...
Well, and what about movies? Did you see any good movie lately? I watched black swan and the king's speech, both really good! I have to watch the fighter and true grit...
And how are you guys surviving? Because herr Dr. hob, Casey and toejam are living more in the north than I am, and I am really hating this winter!!
hi LQ, watched many films...the last was "The Green Butchers"...though quite old..and here winter is over for the moment, the ice is melting luckily...and casey..it's her favourite time, every morning ice swimming