Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey BB...I guess it depends on how long this trip would be (and how much you're willing to spend )....the first thing you check out is the Eurorail....since you're a student, you can get it pretty cheap (discounted) and then you can plan your itinerary accordingly. The foreign students office of your uni shld be able to give you a list of hostels etc that they'd recommend to their students while travelling to europe...there are so many japanese students touring there anyways. And you only plan to go to Venice while in Italy?
Lost-san ...it's a good thing you're in the opposite side of the globe.....that you're sensitive to the quakes is a good thing....
thought of going to Milan first and then to Venice but evil side of mind said go to another country - Austria/Switzerland/France instead . .; my univ has no list but will go to the travel shop again. I have a very tight budget.
hey bb, go to austria, vienna is great ask gebz about it!
Gebz is lost these days . . might wait for Hob to wake up.
why not all the way to the UK?
yeah....and stay in a magnificent tent......
Awake since 13h ....but I'd also prefer UK or Ireland (Dublin e.g.) in summer. Italy is full with tourists, tourist rip-off and it's hot and expensive...(as most Mediterranean countries in summer). IMO Venice is better visited in fall; it's emptier, has more a gothic atmosphere and the lagoon is not so smelly. Vienna and Paris perhaps the same, but I'm anyway not a fan of overcrowded huge towns during summer...
And Eurail is a good idea, you can also travel by air but to get cheap flights you have to book very early and need some luck...
the tent will (potentially) have lots of canadian food
but he's going in the fall so it's perfect timing.....peak season's finished...and if budget is really tight and you choose Eurorail, take overnight cross-country trips instead ....a sleeping coach would still be cheaper than a night in a hotel (tho you'd miss out on viewing the landscape in daylight). And dr H is right, it would be very expensive- all these touristic places.
But youth hostels are everywhere, but you've to book early too at that time, and other hostels (backpacker, student's) and all that...