Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
yeah right!!! i am trying to work!!!
it seems u joined in the discussion tat me and Div started yesterday!!!
HAve a nice weekend...
Civil Rights
hey PI....which discussion was it.....hope you have a great weekend too even if you're working now...
thanx casey.. it was about the true identity and truthfulness and how we talk to each other so freely which we wud not have in real life to a stranger!!!
things like me callin u asey or divya div... people take offence wen in the real world..
this bioforum world rocks... right??!!!
for the people
okay.. even i got work now.. so will be away for an hour or so.. its so funny i m talking to myself...
nope, still here tho I almost hit my head on my keyboard......re the discussion, we're not exactly strangers here (esp after all the teases and good-natured bashes given all around)....and you guys can call me casey or hime anytime as long as I can also call you any way I want...
...don't work too hard...and Div will probably be here soon...
mother teresa
Good Morning PI
Hi Cas! u r right ...... all the teasings and leg-pullings here, break the ice........anyhow, here no-one has a pre-conceived notion 'bout anyone..........many of our perceptions 'bout others are governed by other factors.....here all are strangers (well mostly) and therefore all are frnds
oh! Cas is gone....... ........just wen i start talking to her, she disappears..........oh well!
casandra on Nov 20 2009, 05:26 PM said:
are we talking about the III or the bush...? Yup, it turned out really bad...

(another drive-by posting) you can say that again.
hey Div... so i read teh posts.. seems ur exp has worked good.. tats good news.. and also i had no pm's hehehe
have a great day today.. my boss's here so will be a bit more busy today!!!
busier than when he wasnt here???? how much more busy can u become??? u too hv a gr8 day!
really yaar.. he s eating my head.. he want to know so many things...
see still i grabbed asec to post.. this thing is really addictive!!