Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
pacific northwest
Morning TJ- last day in the lab this week for me
lucky you lil at least during this week the experiments are going well!
conscientous objector
Well, I guess so. I have work tomorrow- but its not here and I'm going camping straight after so I'll be in my suit with my rucksack- its a real professional look
consciousness inhibitor
nice! Where you off for camping? Fancy cheering me and a colleague next weekend for the cross bay half marathon? Should be really nice
Consciousness Explained
hello guys...a beautiful sunny day here... and we'd give you a virtual cheer, tj...so you better move it, hombre...
what is real?
hi cas, how you doing? i want to go to canada!
hola tj...you're always welcome..... in February....
Hi folks, another rainy day...
hey dr H..earlier it was perfect and now the rain is here....did you do your rain dance? ..
Hi Mlle C...nope I just dispersed some silver iodide in your air...