Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
quiet riot
renting is going to suck... i've never had to pay rent before (well, i used to pay my mum a few bucks a week). i'll have to find someone to live in my house. oh dear, i'll have to repaint my kitchen (it's pink and green!! i love it - no one else does)
tearless tear gas
renting usually sucks big time....what do you have in your kitchen- flowers and leaves? you can't blame the no one...)
tears for fears
suprisingly, i painted over flowers and leaves. no, it's more of a doll house look... big solid walls of pink and green. i think it looks pretty.
gears in a car
good mornin all!!!
top gear
hi guys, good morning
Hi PI, long time!!!
yeah long time.. wassup??
hey PI, googoo doc....am leaving soon for my royal repose........enjoy the rest of your Tuesday guys..
oops...Div just logged in but.....hi Div, bye Div...we shld schedule another date this week....oyasuminasai, minna-san.....
Good Morning everybody!!!
Cas, u will find this hilarious:
todays news report:
Delhi chilled to the bones by cold wave......
n guess what the temp. is........................................ 7 o C...............what do u call this in Canada???? hot weather????