Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Good Evening... Phew practice talk is over, but its 4 minutes too long!!
4 minutes is loong??!!!!! wow!!!
i wish my prof had said this during my seminars in the post grads!!!
is it a coincidence that the 2 names are just a letter different and both rhyme and both are 2 most famous people in this earth right now.
LiL. . . U doing it in Nihongo or Eigo?
Its obviously a Conspiracy
In English, I'm currently longer than the plenary session speaker from our department (I"m in the concurrent session)... and there I was worrying about not having enough results....
. . and U know what will happen if U rush through it or speak a little faster in Eigo. .
Oh yeah- the boss will whinge, he already didn't like my blue backgrounds
Plus, no one will understand (except the native speakers! which is maybe a good thing!)
across the
didn't like the blue background? I used to use blue in past but now using just black and white.. that's what the boss prefers .. but if U r using a pointer then white background is so bad.
Yeah, he likes black and white...I came from a blue and yellow writing loving background, I find black on white really cold, but hey what can you do...he hath spoken and I must obey...
Yeah I have lots of pictures to point at (those at least he liked!).
is teh hair pulling experimetn a part of this speak??!!!!
what is hair-pulling experiment? Literally? The logic for black and white is that it is how it will appear in the publication.