Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
I guess the royals there only drink British Champagne
hope tj didn't get anaphylactic shock.....
Anti-aircraft missile
if he adds some Tequila worms, he'll tolerate it...
mass destruction weapons
hey guys, it wasn't too bad, she's a lovely woman I'm off for tonight, see you tomorrow!
Daisy cutter
Hi and bye TJ...but whom do you meant?
box cutter
I guess it's me and the queen........buenas noches, tj...
throat cutter
but is she lovely?
neck tie
of course she is........you just need special eye glasses....
bow tie
well perhaps the silly hats and orotund crowns cover it too much...
tie break
...well, you haven't seen mine....
and now time to go out into the cold and dark.....you have a good night's rest then my darling closet royal watcher....sleep tight...(and think of the queen)