Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Hang ten
Hang them.
How was weekend, Swanny?
lynch mob
hey guys...so Lost is going (thought she was coming back) ...have a good trip, Lost-san...I suppose JAL is still not charging for the wash room breaks.....
Packed? Not yet- this evening, my flight isn't until tomorrow night so I should be in the lab tomorrow, not that I'm doing any experiments.
I'll hopefully take lots of piccys- I got me a new digital SLR so it has to be used I think
Hey everyone *waves*
lucky you with a long weekend Casandra san, enjoy
Hi Swanny- were you catching the waves this weekend? Do you surf?
is this the one for Budapest (over there, you have to pronounce the s like a "sh" except before a zed).......goodluck, Lost-san and never let your poster out of your sight...not even for 30 sec (speaking from experience )
U got DSLR, LiL? I haven't had guts yet to get one for me but I drool when I go to BIC Camera. I just think those stuff are too complicated for my little brain. Point-and-shoot are for me . . camera phones are much better.
And, Casandra. . . what is the story about the poster? Enlighten us also . .
Actually I'm flying Finnair, so via Helsinki.
I'll keep my fingers on my poster at all times then. Kosenom (with the dots insert as you fancy- I can mangle any language )
Now I'm curious about the poster story too of course....do tell
@Nabi san....yeah I splurged- Yodobashi had a really good deal and a nice sales guy, the camera comes with an inbuilt help menu to help the foolish newbie.... I still have no idea what all the numbers and buttons do nor remember the names and lenghts of the lenses I have
what is Kosenom?
Köszönöm szépen....(thank you very much) to be more polite (those are pronounced as s's btw .....but that's all the knowledge I have of Hungarian...)...Budapest is very pretty though....