Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Sorry to hear that Nabi. At least they say 'Please'...
LoL. Yeah. That's where the problem is. I think it is too vague to understand. I wish they just and only said 'please' but they say much much much more than just 'please'.
I've only experienced it a little, but I know what you mean. Though its nicer than saying "Just do it" or expecting that you will without even saying.
Time for me to finish up in the lab. Goodnight.
yeah, but sometimes it is much easier to deal with 'do it' rather than being chased with apologies. At least I am feeling like that right now. I would have started this staining somewhere around 4am and finished by now if I was doing it alone.
Yeah thats annoying if you're being delayed in your work then!
G'night labrat!
Okay I'm off for some sightseeing and expensive lunch on the department budget- catch ya later!
WoW! Lucky U. Have a good time and party!
hey guys....ohayo......hope you enjoy your kaiseki ryōri, LiL-san.....
i back again... for a while.
hope everyone's well.
hey V...nice to see you back...of course, everyone's well....I think ...so how's about you?