Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Sky tree
O! don't worry. Mine is still domestic
Getting hungry now... i feel it is bit too early to get hungry.
tree of life
hey guys..ohayoo....hi Lost-san, Dr TDD.....are we discussing X-mas already? time to post our wish list?
Hey YRH- well as you're in maple syrup land, maybe you should put in your wish list, I can fling them out of the plane as I fly- the wind might blow to Canada from Siberia, or I could ask North Korea to aim your way with the presents
Cypress of Kashmar
hey Lost-san........the North Korean Express it is.....
Let me just get on my hotline to the Kim's then
and I hope that you know your geography (and allies) better than Sarah Palin.....what's on the top of your wish list, Lost-san?
Well she does have the North koreans as her allies (apparently ) But I hope my geography is better- left for Canada, Right for Russia...right?
Top of my wish list- I think mr Pop please
Mr. PoP?
Instant noodles
Mr. Prince of Persia (aka Jake Gyllenhall), dreamy eyes
today's lunch
Ummm, mine would be Ms. SG then