Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
same here, see you tomorrow.
See you guys- I missed all your fun planning, hopefully tomorrow I can join in.
Now if its stops raining cats and dogs I can go to the shops and home withour looking like a drowned rat
president? a president for whatever needs firstly a good salary
you, dr H....as president? for which position? what did I miss here? and what's my position (what's higher than a president?)
that was not my idea and you could be a good secretary for the president...
secretary? ppffttt...that's even politically incorrect....I was thinking more of God but then it would be blasphemous...so hows about the chairperson of the board of directors? hmmm...although as an admin coordinator, I can poison your coffee so it has merits after all....
you prefer again the euphemisms? and the deity here is bioforum himself...
you want to be "Primus inter pares", eh? The Roman Emperors' way of reducing the appearance of dictatorship (got this phrase from wikipedia)...
If we do it, there have to be elections, we're a grassroots democracy of course...
oh yeah...the sacred panda.......and this isn't a democracy...it's a benevolent dictatorship... I've to ask him to nominate you then...as the president of the SOBs (Scientists of Bioforum)
but it's a spin-off of bioforum, he can be the grey eminence of it, but we need a parliament for endless discussions what to do and then an elected person (president) can carry out the decision, (when it might come to a decision in the end)
endless discussions? so now we become the BoBs...the Bureaucrats of Bioforum...nya.......democracy will not work here....a moral quorum might be enough....