Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Yes! Its great, though this year, I made my own ume juice- oishii so
Is there an Italian consulate in Osaka or close to you? Except for US, Russia and China I have to travel to Tokyo for any visa/embassy problems- chotto mendokusai ne
Have a good weekend, all.
You too Swanny- Have a beer for us! Have a good weekend
hi guys! i just saw that bb needs a visa or something??
actually i would also need a visa if i went to visit casey san. for japan i don't know, hope to visit sometime tho
Mary Jane
I feel a bit harassed by the kind of documents they have been asking and the length of time they said that would take. I am not to complain because they are the boss and they reserve all the right to ask for anything and deny for any reason . . and ugly me is ugly me .. . but good side is that I am lost some weight because of the stress and gather and send the documents . . wish they had spared some budget to update their homepage or answered my email regarding what documents I should bring with me. . poor me . . . am going into depression and thinking of commiting suicide and leaving a heart-tearing note behind
oh c'mon bb! who will show us how to cook then?
these kinds of things happen all the time. and about the uglyness, well, it's too subjective....and as people always say, it is the inner beauty that counts! but casey is the specialist in feeling talk
cooking? and me? and showing how to cook? All I know is Tamago-kake gohan. I even get cup noodles wrong.
I should be writing in the venting thread but I am not worried that I won't get visa to italy; it's ok if I can't but I have lot of work on my head with 2 other meetings before that and I preponed my research presentation too .. . visa is just a big stress now. I should be concentrating more on topics that I would want to learn in these 3 conferences.
gambare, Nabi-san.
hey, look who's back here ....Dr. Zhivago is already missing you.....
BB-san.....just remember Murphy's law so don't stress out yourself more.......