Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
then I can only add some butyric acid in mine
how about some real expensive perfume for a change? CK's Obsession or Dior's J'adore...
too expensive and much toooo smelly
you're really cheap and has no nose for beauty....
pffft...then we use really expensive musk from Musk deer...Dtt is nothing against this traditional perfume ingredient
musk stinks...and how do you get it from a deer anyways? perhaps you make it sniff the DTT? I don't even want to imagine it......
I have to go now ....it's Saturday evening, time for more parties, dr H...while you enjoy your sleep, my darling still cheaper than ever old dude...have a great Sunday then, sweetie.....
yes, stinking was the plan, and the deer (or it's glands) was the natural origin, until it was almost eradicated and chemistry developed artificial substances...but for your high demands and non-cheap needs, we'll get it
enjoy your party then spoilt and decadent coomassie-blue darling & RH, good bye
poor deer......and no thanks..I prefer the artificial expensive ones...have a good night too, my dearest old crook...and sleep tight, don't let Spidey bite...
box plot
no pain no gain....especially in beauty and cosmetic issues...
good night then royal darling with sense of responsibility...don't let the "dogs" bite
I'd prefer no mink, no pink, no stink in matters of beauty, fashion and cosmetics......
and luckily, the dogs are all in the pound......have a good Sunday, you guys and esp you dr H....