Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
top tier
No more beer for me for a few days. Therapy on Friday was pretty rough--I received my official pink slip.
totem pole
ok...skip the therapy then ....but good things can come in pink...so hang in there, ok? I've to leave a bit but will be back later...meanwhile..chill out...
I'll be back later, more likely tomorrow. I'm going to read a few more articles and figure out some signal cascade stuff for this new project. It's going to be a big, sudden switch from my previous research of the past 4 years. Ugh.
I second the ugh but change is good........gambatte kudasai.... and see you later....
Good morning everyone.
@LiL : how was Kyushu?
@LaRa .. .when U r reading so much, I suggest U wear a helmet. . .just in case.
hey guys....ohayoo....hope everyone's psyched up for another potentially productive week....luckily, ours start tomorrow........
yeah! I hope someday U can catch up. Ganbatte ne.
drama queen
did anyone notice? 7777th post
not around
Hey Nabi, wassup????
Hey, DRN. There was not a single soul in BF today.
How was ur only weekend day?