Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
It is
Hey Cas, LiL, Prep n Nabs!!!!
Raining Men, hallelujah....
hey Div...but I'm signing off soon.....why do we meet like this all the time? You shld really change your schedule ....
@Lil-san: so who ODs on sherry soup, you or your Mum?
oops, trouble then
ok Cas, tonight i will be up till 1:00 am just to talk to Her Excellency............i will b waiting 4 u.............
you'll need Umbrella's
@Casandra- both of us , thats why our cooking is so good
multiple umbrellas
but tomorrow tonight (for me), I'm going out and will overdose on alcohol...I'm not sure if I can type after that.....but 4 u, I'm gonna try...
LiL-san: no wonder you miss her a lot....
or more beer!!!
Div... u workin??? i thought u wud be hiding from the germs!!!!
good night casey....
Beer Good!
YRH Casandra hime sama- please enjoy your festivities tomorrow night- drink and be merry!
@Cas, u better be around............i dont make compromises like this often, only for ppl with blue blood (deoxygenated???) in their veins
@Prep..............m working still, geek that i am....
Thanks LiL-san..I'll toast a glass for you and Mum....
ok Div, you've got a date...what time do we meet ..I want it in Canadian time...Delhi time is strange if I remember well...
hey PI....
Dear Cas........it will be 10:00 pm to 1:00 am (Delhi Time)...........why dont u convert this into Canadian time???? canadian time is even more stranger to me....