Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
better grumpy than stupid...
...really grumpy as ever....ad now I've to do some trick or treating...
you have a good night's rest then my darling scroogy old dude....sleep tight....
good night darling, childish RH...enjoy the trick or treating. Hope you have a proper disguise and won't splutter with the phrase...
Happy Howliween! Hurray for candy-holidays!
Blaschos lines
Morning guys, Hope your Halloween was good
Möbius strip
hey guys...hi LaRa, Lost-san...halloween was cold and freezing here (first real snow last night too....) but there were lots of candies and sweets....woohoo.....
strip blot
Evening YRH..snow..we've got more forecast tomorrow apparently. Must be nice to have halloween in the snow. No candies or sweets here- just a few pumpkins
casparian stripe
good morning lil, casey, lara.
there is no one here!!
hi v. how you doing?