Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
enjoy your evening, tios....
I think they're both preparing for the wedding tomorrow, eh dr H......
Thomas Morus
sure, I'll get drunk and will sleep late...
Thomas à Becket
...don't worry dr H...you will get a full report from moi whether you like it or not....
Samuel Beckett
I'd only hate it to miss it if one of them surprisingly would say "NO"...
Bucket list
huh...to say NO in front of 20 billion enthralled fans (2-, 4-, 6- and 8-legged ones)? I don't think so.....
belt buckle
what a pity...that would be the only way to make it at least interesting or even exciting...
belt welts
I think this excitement won't be good for the royal hats....me, I wanna see the tiara she'd choose to wear (and imagine all the history behind it...).... ...
kelt melts
for them a tornado would be good too... and she's a female pope?
salted smelts
don't ever mention our queen and our pope in one sentence......
and now it's time for me to enjoy the sun and the warmth...~+16 here right now...and you have a good night's rest my darling the royal heckler old dude...we've a wedding to discuss tomorrow, no? ..
salt sticks
good night darling, the most loyal subject of the royals...