Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
i was blessed teh moment i took birth... now u are blessed cause u are acquainted to me!!!
will continue after a short break.. boss calling meee... hope i dont continue this tere!!!
yeah God blessed me so that I can survive ur crazy/eccentric gibberish....
u prayed tat my boss eats up watever u had left of my head right??!!!!
almost told him go to hell.. i like it this way!!! LOL!!
i thought that u said that u were a blessed creature............blessed ones dont suffer such fate, Prep..............
n btw how can either he or I eat something which doesn't exist........
only blessed ones survive this div!!!!
yeah u ve never seen one so id be difficult for u to recognise one wen u see.. i can understand!!!
oh yeah???!!! like the way I survive ur bakwaas almost everyday!
true, i hv never seen a langoor's brain, so i wudnt know urs also
its almost like a chimp re.. and tat u have... so u shud still try adn u l know!!!
u survive my bakwaas cause i bless u!!
o o this time he loooks angry.. chal then.. might continue tomorrow if i cant come bak on time!!!!
see ya then.. if u staying bak for casey say my hi to her!!!
oh is it??? but i hvnt seen my boss' brain also...........hard luck!
n come on, why will U bless me............u cant be fighting n blessing also.............if at all, u will b cursing me.............
alright then, bbye n good night...........
o mama!
Man, aren't u tired of putting in Obama every now n then????!!!