Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
freezing point
ppfftt.....I bet it's your favourite song....
boiling point
sure, the lyrics are better than the music
water boiler
but it's your everyday song, ain't it? ...
steam engine
surely not...the music sucks after some time...and there are sufficient other songs with such lyrics
horse power
and you know everyone of them? really....
and now it's time to get busy once again...it's Friday afterall.. you have a good night's rest my darling lazy as ever old dude....enjoy your Saturday too...
donkey power
whereas you know all the songs to drive people to work, eh?
good night darling too busy as always RH...enjoy your not restful evening
power grid
yup, I know all the motivational songs....
hey guys...happy weekend....
grid paper
and a drum for consistent and uniformly pipetting
enjoy your weekend
blue print
oh yeah...the ubercheerleader...that would be me....
hey guys...a happy Saturday esp to you, dr H.......
3D print
the same to you Mlle C...and I'd call it slavedriver