Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey guys...and thanks, Lost-san....I'm quite recovered now...we're canadians- we don't give up that easily......olympic medals- ppfftt......who needs them?
....and the Germans are catching up- double ppffttt...(am I turning green now?
But, Casu-hime, that was not just any game.. it was ice hokey. . won't the players be publicly executed if they lose?
bullet proof
oh no, BB-san, we're not that barbaric ......but we can perhaps demand for half of their NHL salaries...and btw-- it's Hockey.
fool proof
Oh I don't know hokey was maybe more appropiate yesterday
loop holes
mmm, I am learning more everyday here.
holy puck
....really hokey.....I practiced a lot of screeching yesterday- what a game.......and tomorrow it would be against Team Germany..let's hope they won't pull out another rabbit on us...
Hi all!
did U watch the bollywood figure skating, DRN? what do U think of that? I think that was more than perfect. They beat Ashwarya(??spelling) dance.
dancing around the trees
whats that...bollywood figure skating??? .......n shez Aishwarya...
sitting under a tree.
Yeah! if U can find the Olympic thread in chit-chat here, look at my post there. There's a youtube link.
Anwyays, how have U been lately? Apunn to mastt.