Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
good morning, guys. Hows everyone doing?
8C; Light rain, overcast / feels like 5.6C
Hi folks! very silent here.....
I was alone here the wholeday today waiting for chance to shout again
How are U doing, Div-ji.
dancing around the trees
here is your chance to shout, Nabi-san, but I do not know when work will come calling me again... I am doing fine.............How about you???? It was a nice weather here in the morning with a cool breeze...........its hot again now....
in group
is it? the weather has been unpredictable here lately. It rains for sometime then sunny again. It was not supposed to rain today but is raining. It feels colder than last winter.
here its pretty much the same e'day............monsoons are long way to go......... thats the best season............
LiL -ji should hv come by now....
getting beaten
Monsoon - inspiration for so many bollywood songs and dances.
broken bones
yeah...............sometimes, crappy stuff also requires inspiration....
the fight club
good morning guys. so lil-san and hrh are gone on holidays!
HRH also on holidays?