Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Good morning, LiL-3 and V3-3.
Good luck LiL-3 and omedetou V3-3.
Weather is perfect outside; perfect enough to be sad thinking what all am I missing. Anyways, got to figure out a protocol for mouse cross-breeding.
i have just realised i have a bunch of H&E slides...
oh mouse breeding... cre/lox?
camels back
Its all wet and cloudy today.
G'luck with your mouse breeding Nabisan- will you be needed more candles and music?
thank U. Luck was on my side yesterday when Swiss won the Spaniards. I was betting for Swiss and I won
Today too Mexico has to win.
who is mexico playing?
Man, the guys in my lab are making me nervous with the whole g'luck (gambatte and Fight-o) for the lunch meeting...
Paul McCartney
Haha. Good luck, LiL-3.
The Beatles
hey guys...ohayoo...ganbatte and omedatou: paper, figure, mouse pups.....today we got inundated...Spain lost...and I couldn't find my house key and forgot where I hid my spare key...but otherwise, it was a perfect day.......
ohio, casu-hime-sama. Yeah, sounds like a perfect day. BTW, what do U need the key for?
rock and roll
hey BB-sempai-sama....it was indeed a perfect day for an outdoor shower.......oh, I only needed it to open my house door..so after a frantic 2 hours of searching, I finally found my spare....stupid key....