Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
ppfftt then it would be too easy then...and common...I know 5 Eulalies and 8 Océanes...use your imagination a bit...
I never heard these names before...for me they are kind of freaky
then a very serious gap in your 'name' education, dr H...no wonder I had to be the one to give your spider a name...you just call it 'It'...and those names start with vowels so you're so far off...try harder.....
not really as we're not a French speaking country and why now Gwendoline comes to my mind?
apostle's creed
do I sound like a Gwendoline to you? ...we might as well throw in Eponine and Fantine...that shld make Victor Hugo proud...
well, the <wacko> looks quite Gwendoline-ish for me
..I repeat....I don't like that name...so it can't be mine...
yes luckily
and yours is Otto, Helmut or Wolfram...I can't decide which one I dislike most.....
opps...we finally agree about unpleasant names....