Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey tj...ain't it? Too bad for you.......I think our high would be +20 so yup, summer's here....so how did your run go last weekend? you're last?
get stoned
ummm, doesn't rice being there with seafood make it healthy food? I have not mentioned Peach-flakes shake and coke on the table or have I? or did U see those too?
Good morning, Casandra-san. My left shoulder is ok. . getting better but right is not. Looks like the joint pain is migrating
migrating where? to your bum bec of all that sitting down? Go and run with tj....
...and I like to try that peach flake shake (btw, what is that?)
yeah, Casandra-3, there is one such thing/someone too; bum-pain is not because of sitting but some are born to be bum pain of others and there is one for mine too
And this is the peach-something-flake-shake; didnT like it that much. . rice burger is better than this.
oops, sorry for that BB-san, if it's a kohai, why don't you just kick them in the bum (poetic justice ) gambatte kudasai....
I couldn't open the pic....perhaps later...and liking anything peach-flavoured is usually an acquired taste...
and now back to toil, toil, toil....matta ato de minna-san....
now it's time for me to go for lunch. the race on sunday was really good! i don't know what position i got but i'll tell you later when the results are published online. it was only about 300 runners this time, and the landscaping was beautiful
wish it was a kohai and wish there was an option of kicking; name it 'bucket' .. it's not something that I would want to kick that soon.
it's also time for me to run, TJ-3. See U again tomorrow. Bon apetit and food night.. . . oops. . . good night.
why are women so complicated? especially when you want to do something nice for them....
huh? It's the greatest mystery on earth.........and I'm sure you'll figure it out, tjcito....
there will be blood
i'm not so sure casey... this one is difficult... oh well, we'll see what happens